From as early as freshman year of high school, I remember being intrigued by photography. I spent hours creating images on my tiny Samsung digital camera, sitting up late into the night editing, re-editing, and posting my, albeit corny, creations on Instagram.
When I was hired as a Desktop Publisher at Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 in January 2019, I had no idea I would be entrusted with capturing their various events. Perhaps my boss saw something in me, or perhaps she just needed a few pictures to post to social media. But suddenly, I had the company's Nikon in hand while walking down the hallway to capture my first corporate event.
The photos were terrible -- too far away, too out of focus, and too sterile. But over time, I learned more about the camera. I learned more about angles, about zooming in and out, about how to time a photo in just a way that captures the perfect moment of awe or laughter.
My coworkers went on to encourage my work, noting that I had a knack for capturing emotion. It was in August of 2019 that I bought my first camera -- a Canon Rebel T7.
From then on, I began shakily shooting my friends, my cat, the plants in my room. I created an Instagram and Facebook for my friends to follow my journey. I slowly started booking friends as real clients, and grew my own story from there.
Now I have regular clients. I have people that believe in my work, who have come away feeling beautiful, empowered, and seen through my images. It is my goal that you always see you, the real you, in every moment I capture. And truly, I look so forward to working with each person I meet.

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